The Dream Traveler

@ Winds0fGale independent & composite portrayal of Klonoa, the titular protagonist of the 2.5D Platforming series by Bandai Namco.

blog wide guidelines ,

@ Winds0fGale independent & composite portrayal of Klonoa, the titular protagonist of the 2.5D Platforming series by Bandai Namco.

No Lewd or NSFW RP because the character is a minor, respect this boundary or you will be hard blocked.
I'm okay with bumps and reminders, as long as you don't spam me and be patient, my time to respond isn't consistent and will depend on my mood or what I'm doing at the moment, but I will tell you if something is happening on my end that needs more of my attention.
For personal reasons, NO KILLING my character whatsoever because I'm not comfortable with that, but I can take a loss if Klonoa ever fights your character and it isn't on his favor. Even if you don't like this, please respect this boundary so I can be comfortable when writing.

No meta gaming or godmodding, artificial immunity is a major turn off for me in RP's, so please don't do it.
I won't follow you back and will block you if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-pronouns or don't respect different religious beliefs. Basically, any kind of bigotry won't be tolerated and you will be blocked without warning.
I have autism, might suffer of OCD, have severe trust issues, low self esteem and struggle with mental health, so patience and communication is extremely important, If I do anything that bothers or annoys you, don't hesitate to tell me what and why and I will try my best to readjust my behavior.

Lastly, in order to be Klonoa's ship, it's required to have strong chemistry and a close relationship. I'm very selective with the ship as it heavily depends on which character you want to ship him with and if it makes sense, writer must also be over the age of 18 for moral reasons.
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Klonoa Of The Wind

Everything known about the Dream Traveler.

GENERAL .•   name   :   Klonoa Of The Wind
•   alias   :   Dream Traveler, Child of The Wind, Klo, Klon
•   gender   :   Male
•   date of birth   :   December 11th
•   age   :   13
•   orientation   :   Bi (Female Leaning)
•   species   :   Unknown, likely feline
•   occupation   :   Dream Traveler
•   voiced by   :   Kumiko Watanabe
PHYSICAL .•   eyes   :   Yellow / Orange
•   height   :   Around 2 ft.
•   weight   :   Unknown
•   fur   :   Black and White
•   clothing   :   Varies
MENTAL .•   alignment   :   Neutral Good
•   traits   : Kind, Determined, Optimistic & Good-Natured
•   likes   :   His friends, his Grandpa and Aunt, Hamburgers, Sports
•   dislikes   :   Oppression, be looked and talked down to, carrots & tomatoes

BACKGROUND.• birthplace   :   Unknown
• current residence :  Breezegale, Phantomile
• nuclear family   :   Parents (Unknown)
• extended family   :   Grandpa (Deceased), Aunt Delia
💍 BIO :
Klonoa is a Dream Traveler from Breezegale, a small, peaceful village located in Phantomile, a mysterious world fueled by dreams people have at night. His duty is to save the worlds he's in from danger and evil forces that threaten them.
Never gives up even when things look dire, great combat skills with his Wind Ring and Wind Sword, a pretty good Volleyball player, good listener to whoever needs him
Can be quite absent-minded & naïve at times, is acrophobic and hydrophobic, can get uneasy when in tall heights or near deep water since he can't swim, stubborn to a fault when his mind is dead set to something.

WIND BULLET. Klonoa's main ability with his signature weapon, the Wind Ring. The ring can fire a short range projectile from its gem, which then inflates enemies he captures like a balloon, which he then can use to throw it at another enemy or use the inflated enemy to perform a double jump, if given enough power, he can muster enough energy to fire a huge powerful blast. WIND SWORD. When given enough power, Klonoa can turn the shape of his Wind Ring into a sword hilt with a powerful saber-like beam from the gem, calling it the Wind Sword. He can use it to slash enemies and create devastating Wind Attacks, while really powerful, it can take a lot of his energy to pull it out, so he keeps it strictly for when he really finds himself in a pinch. EAR FLOP. Due to his ears' length, he can flop his ears in mid air to soften a fall or get to another place that's just within his reach at the last second, he often does it after a double jump or to reach more distant ledges.

He has an aunt, Aunt Delia, who also lives in Breezegale. (Taken from Klonoa Heroes)
His Wind Ring was given to him by his Late Grandfather at age seven as a gift. (Taken from Klonoa Heroes)
His Wind Ring can change to the Wind Sword to slash enemies with it. (Taken from Klonoa Heroes)
His Wind Ring has an ability to create a beam that acts like a shield, which he can use to tackle enemies with. (Taken from Non Canon Material)
He loves Volleyball and is pretty good at it. (Taken from Klonoa Beach Volleyball)
He has garnered some interest on learning boxing after meeting Chipple and seeing him do it. (Headcanon)

Due to the time he's spent with Guntz, he's got a bit of a potty mouth when angry or when the situation calls for it, but doesn't go as far as dropping F-bombs, mostly light profanity like "Ass", "Shit" and "Damn", but because Klonoa is calmer than Guntz, he has enough restraint to not go too far. (Taken from Namco X Capcom, partially headcanon, doesn't apply to non-serious RP, where he can cuss like a sailor for comedic effect)
Might have romantic feelings for Lolo, albeit kept inside for the time being. (Headcanon)
He has memories from all events from Klonoa: Door To Phantomile, Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil, Klonoa - Empire of Dreams, Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament with some elements from Klonoa Heroes: The Legendary Star Medal to further flesh him out.

In some occasions, Klonoa is granted a return to his home in Phantomile after he's done with an adventure in the world he's currently in, he's usually nearby his house in Breezegale, but can be found on other places and wears his casual clothes. (Headcanon)

friends & ship ,


@UnlockedHeart07. Tifa Lockhart The tough-as-nails yet caring bartender and punk rocker@nibraver. Cloud Strife Ex-SOLDIER, 1st Class@NotSoCleverAmy. Amy Sparks The Lightning Reaper@BluShootingstxr
Blade Kamekaze The Nephalem that connects two realms

@Rayman55354229 Reesie A dream come true to me. ❤️
